Working locally. Transforming education nationally.
Future Focused Education's mission is to co-create systems of equity to sustain healthier and more prosperous communities for those who need it the most. We envision schools as sites of innovation and opportunity, where young people become the creators of healthy and prosperous communities.
Local Wisdom for Local Schools
We believe that underserved students and communities are able to achieve more because of where they come from, rather than in spite of it.
How We Work
By reimagining education from the community up, we can re-engage students and prepare them for life in the 21st century-–because the health and success of our society demands something different.
As obstacles to academic success increase, students turn to low-wage, low-skill jobs to help support themselves and their families rather than participating in activities that could open the door to a more sustainable future. For these students, the tradeoff between meeting short-term family obligations and long-term career preparation often comes down to an economic imperative where today’s needs overshadow tomorrow’s opportunities.
Future Focused Education is working to eliminate this tradeoff by transforming education and schools so they are responsive to the realities faced by many students and can connect students to college and career
Our History
Future Focused Education began in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a region with a diverse array of languages and cultures, where community is highly valued, but where the assets of our youth are not always recognized by the schools they attend. Future Focused came about because a one-size-fits-all model of education doesn’t fit the needs, dreams, and challenges of youth in New Mexico.
In 2013, Future Focused Education founded the Leadership Schools Network, a network of industry-focused charter schools in Albuquerque that re-engage students who have been underserved by the traditional school system. Future Focused no longer facilitates the network, but has since expanded to support schools across the state in adopting elements of the 4 pillar model.
Some of the key areas we’ve focused on in our programing are assessment reform, work-based learning and X3 paid internship programs, graduate profiles and capstone pathways, social-emotional learning, and educational equity.