A student and mentor pose in front of an exhibit at Explora.

X3 Internships

Outside the classroom, inside the workforce

An innovative work-based learning model that works for New Mexico.
active internships
employer partners
supporting youth interns

X3 is a paid internship for high school and early college-age students that pairs interns with local employers to build homegrown talent.

  • Real-world Learning: Students are embedded with local employers, learning essential skills and building a stronger workforce pipeline.
  • Financial Equity: Interns earn a stipend that respects their time and contributes to their family, replacing minimum wage jobs that offer little learning with rich work experiences that build resumes.
  • Social Capital: X3 builds professional connections that transform into new career paths—ensuring historically underserved students receive the mentorship and opportunities they deserve.
An intern poses in front of a workshop at Explora.

Internship Stories

  • What Is the X3 Internship?

    Learn about what makes the X3 Internship different
  • A Day in the Life of X3: Healthcare

    Cesiah Gonzales, a senior at Health Leadership High School, became an X3 intern at the University of New Mexico Hospital as a medical assistant. She fell in love with the profession and is now pursing a career in nursing thanks to her exposure and experience via X3.
  • X3 Testimonials: Mariana Grajeda

    X3 internships can change the trajectory of a student’s life. Listen to Mariana Grajeda’s story—a young mother and X3 intern with an incredible journey.
  • X3 Testimonials: Marcus Arellano

    Being an X3 intern can radically change a student’s confidence and career path. Listen to Marcus’s testimonial.
  • X3 Testimonials: Cheyeanne Frazier

    How does the X3 experience affect a student's future? X3 internships helped show Cheyeanne her areas of passion.
  • "First Steps"

    Liset never imagined a future outside of fast food. Through her X3 internship, she now has the work experience she needed to create a new career path for herself and her family.
  • A Day in the life of X3:
    Outdoor Recreation/

    Follow along as Sarah Joy Randall gives us a day-in-the-life tour of her outdoor recreation internship with the Friends of the Organ Mountains.
  • A Day in the life of X3:
    City Government/

    Take a day-in-the-life tour with Amarisa Barboa, an X3 intern at the City of Albuquerque Office of Equity Inclusion.
  • A Day in the life of X3:

    X3 intern Marcos, a student at CNM, worked with local construction firm Bradbury Stamm, and got new insights into what that career path looks like, gaining professional skills and new network connections along the way.

X3 High School Internships


Explore, Experience, Expand

Explore new careers, experience real-word work, and expand possibilities for your future.

As an intern you’ll receive:

  • One-on-one mentorship and coaching
  • On-the-job experience
  • School credit
  • Resume skill-building
  • Pay stipend
  • Mental health support and social-emotional learning
  • Assistance with transportation or childcare
X3 intern wearing scrubs and a stethoscope and taking notes.

Types of Internships

Individual internship
  • Meaningful, on-site internships at local businesses with individual mentors
  • 13 weeks, 12 hours/week, monthly stipend
  • Interns are fully supported by the X3 team
Group internship
  • Theme-based group internships, held in person, virtual, or hybrid
  • A supportive team environment, career exploration, and work readiness skill development
  • 10 weeks, 6 hours/week, monthly stipend
I would rather set my own goals and expectations and take initiative to develop my own project, rather than have someone come in and give me these numbers and prompts that have no connection to my identity or culture.

—Lakin Epaloose,
Zuni High School capstone student

Watch Lakin's capstone video
Photo of Lakin Epaloose, Zuni High School capstone student
I loved the hands-on work and how it paired with my senior project in art therapy. I was in a project-based class at Health Leadership High School, and my topic was painting as a representation of mental health. Thanks to this internship, my senior project in art therapy came together beautifully, and I graduated in the class of 2019!

—Kelly Contreras,
X3 intern

Read more from Kelly
Photo of Kelly Contreras, X3 intern
There are just amazing people in the X3 NeXt program. I’ve grown as a person, become more considerate, and put myself in other people’s shoes.

—Brian Marquez,
X3 NeXt intern

Read more from Brian
Photo of Brian Marquez, X3 NeXt intern
X3 has really made it easy with my time management. I go to school every single day of the week. They work with my schedule a lot and they are always there.

—Marcos Arellano,
X3 intern at Bradbury Stamm Construction

Watch Marcos' video
Photo of Marcos Arellano, X3 intern at Bradbury Stamm Construction
The staff is always there for me, always giving me feedback on how I can do better, always there to answer my questions.

—Melani Alonso,
X3 intern at the UNM Women’s Health Clinic

Read more from Melani
Photo of Melani Alonso, X3 intern at the UNM Women’s Health Clinic

    X3 NeXt Internships

    A student writes on sticky notes on a whiteboard while another student looks on.

    Take the NeXt step

    The X3 NeXt program is designed for young people who have earned their high school diploma or GED equivalent and are interested in exploring career options through real-world experiences.

    The NeXt program pairs students with local employers to gain work-based experience while they earn certificates and degrees from 2- or 4-year colleges and/or other training programs.

    Apply for X3 NeXt
    NeXt Frequently Asked Questions

    X3 for Employers

    An X3 mentor and student pose in an office.

    Meet student potential with possibility

    By welcoming an X3 intern into your business, you actively shape future talent in your profession and help build a vibrant entry-level workforce in your community.


    X3 Mentor Stories

  • What Is the X3 Internship?

    Learn about what makes the X3 Internship different.
  • X3 Mentor Testimonial - Dante Gonzales

    Dante shares his experience as a minority trying to get an internship and how the X3 internship program is creating accessible internships for youth in Albuquerque. Dante was impressed with the interns that were placed at Bradbury Stamm Construction who were able to produce high quality 3D models and are now working for them directly.
  • X3 Mentor Testimonial - Arlenda Thompson

    Mentor Arlenda speaks about how the X3 interns she mentored at the University of New Mexico Hospital Family Clinic Unit were eager to learn. Her interns were able to perform medical assistant duties within weeks.
  • X3 Mentor Testimonial - Delcie Dobrovolny

    Listen to Delcie recount how the interns placed at Equiterra Regenerative Design learned something new about themselves and career aspirations.
    • X3 Mentor Testimonial - Dante Gonzales

      Dante shares his experience as a minority trying to get an internship and how the X3 internship program is creating accessible internships for youth in Albuquerque. Dante was impressed with the interns that were placed at Bradbury Stamm Construction who were able to produce high quality 3D models and are now working for them directly.
    • X3 Mentor Testimonial - Arlenda Thompson

      Mentor Arlenda speaks about how the X3 interns she mentored at the University of New Mexico Hospital Family Clinic Unit were eager to learn. Her interns were able to perform medical assistant duties within weeks.
    • X3 Mentor Testimonial - Delcie Dobrovolny

      Listen to Delcie recount how the interns placed at Equiterra Regenerative Design learned something new about themselves and career aspirations.

    Through the X3 program, we are able to empower young people and teach them how to be supportive and be an advocate. It helps them build skills around compassion and empathy—which is great for them and the community as a whole.

    —Charles Dorsey,
    X3 Mentor and School Social Worker, Technology Leadership High School

    Read more from Charles
    Photo of Charles Dorsey, X3 Mentor and School Social Worker, Technology Leadership High School
    I’ve spent so much time surrounded by people who are highly trained and who think like me. Having an intern has challenged me to examine how to represent what I do in different ways. This is especially important, given that people don’t end up in this field by accident, women and minorities even less so. Having a hand in changing that is empowering.

    —Brian Henderson,
    X3 Mentor and Owner of Next State Systems

    Read Brian’s story
    Photo of Brian Henderson, X3 Mentor and Owner of Next State Systems
    I regret that I didn’t become an X3 mentor earlier. I think it’s really important for students to have exposure to different careers and see what they are capable of doing. It’s really rewarding to see.

    —Arlenda Thompson,
    X3 Mentor and Family Medicine Clinic Unit Director, UNM Hospital

    Hear more from Arlenda
    Photo of Arlenda Thompson, X3 Mentor and Family Medicine Clinic Unit Director, UNM Hospital
    It is our duty to see that our mentees succeed. Our future depends on it.

    Tatiana Falcón Rodríguez,
    Presbyterian Hospital Community Health Program Manager

    Read more from Tatiana
    Photo of Tatiana Falcón Rodríguez, Presbyterian Hospital Community Health Program Manager
    As a first-time X3 mentor, I wanted to show the X3 interns that a “professional” can look like anyone. You can come from any neighborhood, any background, and every talent you have is valuable.

    —Diana Delgado,
    Former Community Outreach Coordinator, City of Albuquerque Cultural Services Department

    Read more from Diana
    Photo of Diana Delgado, Former Community Outreach Coordinator, City of Albuquerque Cultural Services Department

      Sponsor a Student

      A student with headphones on and recording equipment
      Make a tangible contribution to building a more equitable and vibrant workforce.

      $6,000 to sponsor one student for the full year
      $3,000 to sponsor one student for one session
      $1,500 to sponsor two group interns

      Ready to sponsor an intern?
      Please reach out to Mistie at [email protected]

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