X3 Internships
Outside the classroom, inside the workforce

X3 is a paid internship for high school and early college-age students that pairs interns with local employers to build homegrown talent.
- Real-world Learning: Students are embedded with local employers, learning essential skills and building a stronger workforce pipeline.
- Financial Equity: Interns earn a stipend that respects their time and contributes to their family, replacing minimum wage jobs that offer little learning with rich work experiences that build resumes.
- Social Capital: X3 builds professional connections that transform into new career paths—ensuring historically underserved students receive the mentorship and opportunities they deserve.

X3 High School Internships

Explore, Experience, Expand
Explore new careers, experience real-word work, and expand possibilities for your future.
As an intern you’ll receive:
- One-on-one mentorship and coaching
- On-the-job experience
- School credit
- Resume skill-building
- Pay stipend
- Mental health support and social-emotional learning
- Assistance with transportation or childcare

Types of Internships
- Meaningful, on-site internships at local businesses with individual mentors
- 13 weeks, 12 hours/week, monthly stipend
- Interns are fully supported by the X3 team
- Theme-based group internships, held in person, virtual, or hybrid
- A supportive team environment, career exploration, and work readiness skill development
- 10 weeks, 6 hours/week, monthly stipend
X3 NeXt Internships

Take the NeXt step
The X3 NeXt program is designed for young people who have earned their high school diploma or GED equivalent and are interested in exploring career options through real-world experiences.
The NeXt program pairs students with local employers to gain work-based experience while they earn certificates and degrees from 2- or 4-year colleges and/or other training programs.

X3 for Employers

Meet student potential with possibility
By welcoming an X3 intern into your business, you actively shape future talent in your profession and help build a vibrant entry-level workforce in your community.

X3 Mentor Stories
Sponsor a Student

$6,000 to sponsor one student for the full year
$3,000 to sponsor one student for one session
$1,500 to sponsor two group interns
Ready to sponsor an intern?
Please reach out to Mistie at [email protected]